Washington: Anticipating the coronavirus surge in this winter, Prez Biden on Tuesday delivered a progress report on the preparedness of the Senate to fight the coronavirus pandemic as the variant spreads across the country.

Parts of his speech, reflected rigidness by the White House to impose a lockdown. Rejecting concerns that the US could return to March 2020, he answered,” No this is not March 2020. Two hundred million people are fully vaccinated. We’re prepared. We know more. We just have to stay focused.” Moreover, he comforted vaccinated citizens who could gather over festivities provided they maintain protocols in place. He pressed these individuals to not forgo booster doses as they add up to the immune system.

While his pro-facts included the distribution of 500 million at-home rapid COVID-19 tests from January and mobilizing 1,000 medical military personnel to overwhelmed hospitals. The free distribution of testing kits come as shortages have led to ques and overwhelmed hospitals leaving them in a tight spot. He also announced the engagement of emergency response teams to Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin, Arizona, New Hampshire and Vermont and will set up new federal testing sites with the first location in New York City this week.

The United States of America has seen a plunge from 3% to 73% in its COVID-19 cases within a week. The Senate imposed restrictions on social activities, prioritized masks and social distancing, promoted vaccinations and called for Work from Home are amongst the few measure to curb the spread.