Washington: US President Joe Biden tripped and fell while handing out diplomas at a graduation ceremony for the US Air Force Academy in Colorado. Biden, who is the nation’s oldest serving president at 80, was helped back up to his feet and appeared to be unhurt.

As Biden greeted the graduates in Colorado Springs, Colorado, he saluted and shook hands with them. While returning to his seat, he turned to jog and lost his balance, resulting in fall. An Air Force officer and two members of the US Secret Service promptly helped him up.

After Biden was helped up, he pointed behind him to indicate what he tripped over. He mingled with other officials afterward, smiling and giving a thumbs up sign.

Confirming that Biden is fine, White House communications director Ben LaBolt said on Twitter, “there was a sandbag on stage while he was shaking hands, he is fine”.

Joe Biden is the oldest person to hold the Oval Office, is running for re-election in 2024. His leading Republican opponent, Donald Trump turns 77 this month. In 2020, Trump’s slow careful descent of a ramp at US Military Academy at West Point had some observers questioning his agility.