World: The conflict between the two nations started a few weeks back in regards to masjid Al-Aqsa or temple mount possession between the Jews and the Muslims. Many have lost their lives and women and children are living in fear in both countries now. The world political leaders have demanded US intervention to control the matter. Days after Palestine was attacked by Israeli forces, they have retaliated with their own forces to attack the Israelis now.

The Israeli defense force said, “So far, some 1,500 rockets have been fired at the Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip, about 300 of them were unsuccessful and the rockets fell in the Gaza Strip. The Iron Dome system has intercepted hundreds of rockets”. Meanwhile, US president Joe Biden has communicated with Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli PM on the ongoing conflict.

In a press conference at the white house, Joe Biden said to the reporters, “My expectation and hope is that this will be closing down sooner than later. But Israel has a right to defend itself when you have thousands of rockets flying into your territory. But I had a conversation for a while with the — with the Prime Minister of Israel. And I think that — my hope is that we will see this coming to a conclusion sooner than later”. The entire world is looking forward to a settlement between these two countries sooner with the US intervention.