There is more to the lineage of Coronavirus hinted a statement given by American infectious disease epidemiologist and World Health Organization (WHO) Covid-19 technical lead Maria Van Kerkhove. “We still need to wear masks, work from home and socially distance ourselves,” she asserted.

Interacting with officials from world media on Sunday, Maria Van stated that the virus is still evolving and changing. She pressed the need to evolution and adaptation by the humans which stands a key to striking a balance. She expressed dismal in easing of restrictions calling it ‘unwise’.

She added that out of 10 billion dosages of vaccines administered throughout the world since the rollout of the vaccine, there are still three billion people who are yet to get the first dose. So, we still have a highly susceptible population and even if some countries are further along, we have to treat this global problem with global solutions.Speaking on the literature developed on Omicron that claims the mutant infections are mild, pitched that they are milder then Delta, but not mild in itself.

Cautioning the public against dropping their guards, she said “there is a suggestion that future variants will be less severe and that’s not a certainty. We expect more variants to emerge which could be fitter and more evolved than Omicron to survive. There is no guarantee that they will be less severe and they may have evolved properties that may render our countermeasures ineffective.”