New York: State Officials have issued a warning of the relapse of COVID-19 fuelled by the Omicron variant that could record a pounding rise in its hospitalization in the United States and New York.

Anthony S Fauci, an expert on infectious disease on Sunday said, “ State of the Union” that “unfortunately” he believes the nation will see record numbers of cases, hospitalizations and deaths. He added during an appearance on ABC that the omicron variant is “really something to be reckoned with.”

New York for the third day in a row, reported a record rise. Mayor Bill de Blasio at a press briefing on Sunday highlighted the prevailing surge calling on Pres Biden to invoke the Defense Production Act, a period law, to provide supplies of testing kits and treatments in New York and the rest of the country.  He also expressed speculations on the annual New Years Eve ball drop celebrations in Times Square.  

With more than 70 per cent of its population vaccinated, New York ranks ahead of all states. As per the state health bulletin, more than 94 per cent of New York Adults were jabbed with the first dose.  On Sunday, 5,731 new infections were recorded. The surge has rippled corporate systems and New Year’s celebrations, annual holiday reception at Gracie Mansion for the City Hall press Corps- was also called off.