Kabul: On October 15, 2023, a new earthquake struck western Afghanistan, just days after two large tremors in the region killed more than 1,000 people. The US Geological Survey (USGS) said the magnitude 6.3 quake struck near the city of Herat, at a depth of 6.3km (four miles).

The quake was felt across the region, including in the capital, Kabul. There were reports of damage to buildings and infrastructure in Herat, but the full extent of the damage was still being assessed.

The latest earthquake comes as Afghanistan is still reeling from the effects of the two quakes that struck on October 11, 2023. Those quakes, which had magnitudes of 5.9 and 6.1, struck in the eastern province of Paktika. They caused widespread damage and destruction, and killed more than 1,000 people.

The Afghan government and international aid organizations have been working to provide assistance to the victims of the quakes, but the challenge is immense. The country is already struggling with a humanitarian crisis, and the quakes have only made things worse.

The latest earthquake is a reminder of the seismic vulnerability of Afghanistan. The country is located on a major fault line, and has a history of devastating earthquakes. In 2002, a magnitude 6.1 earthquake struck the northern province of Baghlan, killing more than 1,000 people.

The Afghan government and international aid organizations need to work together to prepare for and respond to future earthquakes. This includes strengthening building codes, developing early warning systems, and training first responders.

The relief and rescue operations in Afghanistan are facing a number of challenges, including; the areas affected by the earthquakes are remote and difficult to access. This makes it difficult to get aid and medical supplies to the people who need them most.

Afghanistan is an insecure country, and there is a risk of attacks on aid workers and relief convoys. This makes it difficult to operate safely in the affected areas.

The Afghan government and international aid organizations are already struggling to cope with the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. The earthquakes have only added to the burden.