Kathmandu: Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal, experienced a seismic event on Sunday, as a 6.1 magnitude earthquake rattled the region. The National Earthquake Monitoring and Research Centre reported that the earthquake, with its epicenter located in the Dhading district, struck at 7:39 am local time.

Fortunately, there have been no reports of casualties or damage resulting from this tremor. Nevertheless, the shockwaves were felt in various other districts, spanning the Bagmati and Gandaki provinces.

Nepal is no stranger to earthquakes due to its unique geological location. Nestled at the convergence point of the Tibetan and Indian tectonic plates, the country experiences the two plates inching approximately two meters closer to each other every century. This gradual movement generates immense pressure, which periodically finds release in the form of earthquakes.

This recent seismic event follows a 4.8 magnitude earthquake that shook Nepal’s Sudurpaschim province on October 16. The most devastating earthquake in recent memory for Nepal occurred in 2015 when a massive 7.8 magnitude quake, along with subsequent aftershocks, claimed the lives of approximately 9,000 people and left widespread destruction in its wake.

As highlighted by the government’s post-disaster needs assessment (PDNA) report, Nepal ranks as the 11th most earthquake-prone nation globally. This stark reality underscores the importance of the country’s ongoing efforts to enhance earthquake preparedness, infrastructure resilience, and public awareness to mitigate the potential impact of future seismic events.

The people of Nepal remain vigilant and resilient in the face of these natural challenges, as they continue to adapt and build a more earthquake-resistant future for their beautiful but geologically active homeland.

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