Kathmandu: Three children and six others were killed in Nepal after monsoon rains caused serious landslides in the region’s western part, an official stated on Saturday. It affected several districts, posed a threat to the lives of many people and destroyed properties.

Five members of a single family in Malika village in Gulmi district at least 250 km (156 miles) west of Kathmandu were fast asleep when a landslide buried their house. The household comprised of two kids. Dizan Bhattarai from the National Disaster Rescue and Reduction Management Authority discloses more, saying, “Bodies of all five have been retrieved. ”

Unfortunately, the tragedy did not end at that point. In the adjacent Syangja district, another mother and her three-year-old daughter lost their lives as their home was again buried under another landslide. Furthermore, there are reports two more people were killed by a similar event in the Baglung district, which is the neighbouring district to Gulmi.

Amid the monsoon period that started in mid-June, at least 35 people have been killed in Nepal in incidents of landslides, floods, and lightning. Monsoon in Nepal extends up to mid-September and it precipitates heavy rainfall, which causes major natural calamities.

Landslides and flash floods are very frequent in the northern hills of Nepal, especially during the rainy season. Such calamities occur annually, and many lives are lost, families become homeless, and structures and other properties are damaged.

Both the government and the other rescue teams are still struggling day and night to cope with the consequences of such incidents, but the task is very enormous. The challenging accessibility created by the rough terrains and the continued rainy season make the rescuing and transporting of the affected persons challenging.

During the recent calamities in the country, local government officials have been calling on people in low-lying areas to Disaster Management Bulletin flee and go elsewhere. However, there is still a large population that has not moved out due to fear and more so because many are attached to their property.

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