Kyiv: In its hearing on Russia’s- special military operation, the international court of Justice (ICJ) on Wednesday ordered the Kremlin to stop the bombardments immediately. “The Russian Federation shall immediately suspend military operations that it commenced on 24 February on the territory of Ukraine,” pending the final decision in the case, presiding judge Joan Donoghue told ICJ.

Ukrainian President Zelensky in an interview informed that the fourth round of negotiation talks were underway. In a video message, Zelensky expressed the confidence to build the country quickly once the war stops.

Visuals of shelling make rounds on social media which feature a school in Kharkiv being bombarded. It is also reported that the market in Kharkiv province was gutted by the Russian forces. In the port city of Mariupol, ground sources report the death of more than 2,400 civilians while those sheltered have been facing a shortage of water, electricity and gas for the past 13 days at temperatures of -50 C. It is being learnt that the Ukraine govt released 9 Russian soldiers who were abducted on March 11 in lieu of Melitopol Mayor Ivan Fedorov

On Wednesday, the Ukrainian Defence reported the Russians crumbled a Drama Theatre in Mariupol sheltering around 1000 people who are all now under the rubble gasping for life. The international outrage against Moscow grew after the attack. Today, the invaders destroyed the Drama Theatre. A place, where more than a thousand people found refuge. We will never forgive this,” the Mariupol local council said.

The UK, US, France, Albania, Norway and Ireland have requested an urgent meeting of the UNSC on Thursday to address the Humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.