Kabul: Taliban Co-founder Baradar arrived today in the capital to hold talks for the formation of a new Afghan government. Baradar is scheduled to meet battlefield commanders, former government leaders, and policy-makers, as well as religious scholars, a Taliban official reported. He arrived in Afghanistan last Tuesday from Qatar, choosing to touch down in the country’s second-biggest city, Kandahar – the Taliban’s spiritual birthplace.

Other senior Taliban leaders seen in the capital in recent days include Khalil Haqqani – one of the US’s “most-wanted terrorists” with a $5m bounty on his head.

Known officials of the Taliban say that the group would not establish the new government until the 31 August deadline set by the US passes. They have planned to ready a new model of governing system that would have two separate teams for security and financial issues.

The Taliban officials also informed that Hashmat Ghani, a close aid of Ashraf Ghani in the presence of Khalil-al-Rahman pledged allegiance with the group. Khalil al-Rahman is the leader of the Taliban-affiliated Haqqani Network.

The terror group presented a moderate face since it regained power after being thrashed in 2001. The militia group asserts peace against old enemies and pledges to respect women within the framework of Islamic law.