A pregnant woman infected with monkeypox delivered a healthy baby in the United States. According to the CDC officials, the baby was delivered safely and both the mother and the child ‘are healthy’.

CDCs Dr Brett Peterson informed that the neonate had received IG prophylactically. During previous outbreaks, the baby had contracted the disease from the mother during the pregnancy. However, this time the baby did not appear to have contracted the disease, Dr. Brooks added.

The case is the first to be spotted in a pregnant woman in the latest outbreak. However, previous outbreaks, particularly in Africa, had reported of the virus spreading in pregnant women with severe outcomes.

Monkeypox has been flourishing across the globe drastically. Cases have been rising potentially in men who have same-gender sexual partners. The head of the World Health Organization on Wednesday advised men at risk of catching monkeypox to consider reducing their sexual partners for the moment following the UN health agency declaring the escalating outbreaks in multiple countries to be a global emergency.

As per the findings, WHO has identified the disease commonly among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men. He called for those at risk to take steps to protect themselves.