Islamabad: In a significant development, more than 6,500 Afghan nationals crossed the Torkham border from Pakistan on November 5, 2023, bringing the total number of repatriated Afghans to over 1,70,000. This mass exodus highlights the ongoing challenges facing Afghanistan and the regional impact of the country’s instability.

According to the official data, 6,584 Afghans, including women and children, exited Pakistan on Sunday.

On Saturday, 209 deportees from different prisons across Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab were sent back along with 46,936 men, 35,507 women and 85,331 children.

On November 3, 148 deportees, 44,718 men, 33,699 women and 82,221 children were repatriated, while the number stood at 24 deportees, 40,899 men, 30,399 women and 76,675 on November 2.

The recent surge in repatriations follows Pakistan’s announcement of a deadline for undocumented Afghan nationals to leave the country. This deadline, coupled with the deteriorating economic situation in Afghanistan, has prompted many Afghans to return to their homeland.

The influx of returning Afghans has placed a strain on Afghanistan’s already fragile infrastructure and resources. The country is grappling with a severe economic crisis, widespread poverty, and a lack of basic necessities. The return of a large number of Afghans is exacerbating these issues, making it difficult for the government to provide adequate support for its citizens.

The international community has a crucial role to play in addressing the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. Providing financial assistance, supporting development initiatives, and promoting regional cooperation are essential steps towards stabilizing Afghanistan and ensuring the well-being of its people.

The mass repatriation of Afghan nationals from Pakistan underscores the need for a comprehensive solution to the Afghan crisis. Addressing the root causes of instability, promoting peace and reconciliation, and fostering economic development are essential to creating a stable and prosperous Afghanistan.

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