Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem found herself in the midst of controversy on Face the Nation with Margaret Brennan, where she contended migrant children can make the choice to cross the border illegally.

Noem made her comments while talking about Trump administration immigration policies, including the practice of holding undocumented families in detention centers. When Brennan challenged the administration’s position, Noem said that migrants crossing in the first place — including children — make an active choice to take that route in the first place.

But Noem reminded her audience: “Remember everybody has an option. That gives them an option of being here legally or illegally, and self deport also.”

Brennan attempted to make clear that children do not have agency in such a matter, but Noem interrupted to double down on her stance.

Noem insisted the kids have a choice. “They decide to keep their families together if they have their parents, or if they do or not. If parents find themselves in a situation where they decide that they are not going to go with their children, that’s a family choice.”

The discussion went on to inquire whether the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was going to repressivate the questionable policy of separating families at the border. “In that sense, I don’t know that we’re actually reviving it,” Noem replied vaguely before pinning the blame on former President Joe Biden.

Noem argued ‘Biden didn’t follow the law.’ “He decided to disregard federal law in how he treated immigration and enforcement on our borders.” If you violate our law, then … there will be consequences.”

Arguments that the families have chosen to come to the U.S. easily resonated with immigration advocates, who argued that children often have no say in their circumstances of migration.

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