Korea: The North Korean leader Kim Jong-un further disgraced the lives of the citizens who already under a clampdown survived with no internet, social media, and only a few nationally telecast channels on the television. 

Kim Jong-Un recently introduced a sweeping new law against what the regime describes as “reactionary thought”. The law states anyone caught with large amounts of media from South Korea, the United States, or Japan now faces the death penalty. Those caught watching face prison camp for 15 years. 

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“If a worker is caught, the head of the factory can be punished, and if a child is problematic, parents can also be punished, ” the official lawsuit read.

Recently, Mr Kim wrote a letter in state media calling on the country’s Youth League to crack down on “unsavoury, individualistic, anti-socialist behaviour” among young people. He wants to stop foreign speech, hairstyles, and clothes which he described as “dangerous poisons”.  It is speculated that Mr Kim wants to ensure citizens are allowed access only to the state’s carefully crafted propaganda, rather than gaining glimpses of life according to glitzy K-dramas set south of the border in Seoul, one of Asia’s richest cities. Analysts say that Mr Kim is trying to prevent outside information from reaching the people of North Korea

 The country has been more cut off from the outside world than ever before after sealing its border last year in response to the pandemic. Vital supplies and trade from neighbouring China almost ground to a halt. Although some supplies are beginning to get through, imports are still limited.

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