Beijing: The G7 Summit was held on 21 May and a Japanese Ambassador has been summoned by the Vice Foreign Minister of China, Sun Weidong. He summoned the Japanese Ambassador because he registered a protest which was named as “hype around China related issues.”

China’s Vice Foreign Minister said that, “Japan should correct its understanding of China, grasp strategic autonomy, adhere to the principles of the four political documents between China and Japan, and truly promote the stable development of bilateral relations with a constructive attitude.”

During the G7 summit in Hiroshima, world leaders expressed their concerns about the escalating tensions in the East and South China Seas. They also raised concerns about the human rights situation in China, particularly in Tibet and Xinjiang. 

However, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Sun Yat-sen accused Japan of collaborating with other countries to attack and smear China, violating international law and the spirit of the China-Japan Joint Statement of 1972. He stated that China strongly opposes these actions, which are detrimental to its sovereignty, security, and development interests.