Islamabad: The Islamabad High Court (IHC) on Tuesday suspended the conviction and three-year sentence of former Pakistan prime minister Imran Khan in the Toshakhana corruption case. The order was announced by a Bench comprising IHC Chief Justice Aamir Farooq and Justice Tariq Mehmood Jahangiri.

Khan was convicted by an Islamabad trial court in December 2022 of illegally selling a diamond bracelet gifted to him by a foreign dignitary to Toshakhana, a government repository for gifts received by government officials from foreign dignitaries. The court also disqualified Khan from holding public office for 10 years.

Khan challenged his conviction in the IHC, arguing that the trial court had not properly considered the evidence in the case. The IHC agreed with Khan’s arguments and suspended his conviction, pending a full hearing of his appeal.

The decision to suspend Khan’s conviction is a major victory for the former prime minister. It also raises questions about the fairness of the trial court’s decision. The full hearing of Khan’s appeal is expected to take place in the coming months.

The Toshakhana corruption case is one of several legal challenges facing Khan. He is also facing a disqualification petition filed by the Election Commission of Pakistan, which is investigating allegations that he illegally received foreign funding for his political party.

The decision of the IHC is a significant development in Khan’s legal troubles. It remains to be seen how the full hearing of his appeal will go, but the suspension of his conviction is a major boost for the former prime minister.

In addition to the legal challenges, Khan is also facing political turmoil. He was ousted from power in April 2022 through a no-confidence motion, and his supporters have been protesting against the current government.