Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei described Israeli conduct in Lebanon on Saturday as “short-sighted and stupid” following reports of Israeli air strikes in Lebanon in which it claimed to have killed Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. In his first public message addressing the event, Khamenei wisely did not explicitly deny Nasrallah’s death but shifted the focus to Israeli operations and the consequences for resistance groups.

“The event in which defenceless persons in Lebanon were killed demonstrated once again the savagery of the Zionist rabid dog to everybody”, Khamenei said. He accused the Israeli government saying that their aggressive behavior proves the bad choice of the leaders of what he called the ‘illegitimate regime’. His comments come after the Israel Defence Forces said a pinpoint air strike in the Saida pocket of southern Beirut targeted Nasrallah leaving this aspect of the situation inconclusive as Hezbollah to this has not come out with a clear statement about Nasrallah.

For instance, in a set of threads on X (previously Twitter), Khamenei has only supported the group [Hezbollah], and emphasized that the aggressions against Lebanese people prove the “animal-like tendencies of the fanatic Zionists.” He accused Israeli leaders of such actions of being insane and continued to assert that in face of aggression, Hezbollah would only be endowed with even more power. Khamenei was definitive: “The Zionist criminals must understand they are incapable of causing significant damage to the rock-solid defense of Lebanon’s Hezbollah.” He insisted that all Resistance forces in the area are fully behind Hezbollah.

However, to the increasing tensions, the Israel defence force has started calling out more reservists, with three battalions of soldiers. This build up signifies that there are looming fears of having to confront Lebanon, as the region maintains a high level of alert in the aftermath of these events.

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