Hardliner Ebrahim Raisi is set to be Iran’s next president after the country’s presidential election yielded in his favour. 

The election on June 18 was dominated by Mr Raisi, an apprentice of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, after the disqualification of the strongest competitors who could have challenged him in the vote. Deputy Interior Minister Jamal Orf said 28.6 million Iranians participated in Friday’s election, and with around 90 per cent of the votes counted so far, Raisi has garnered over 17.8 million ballots, reported local media houses. 

The 60-year-old Chief Justice since 20019, dubbed as ‘Ultraconservative’  has formerly held several other posts in the country judicial branch following the 1979 Islamic Revolution. This takeover comes at a time when Iran seeks to salvage nuclear treaties and get rid of US-imposed sanctions. 

“Our people’s grievances over shortcomings are real,” he said as he cast his vote in Tehran. Mr Raisi has promised to ease unemployment and work to nullify US sanctions that have contributed to hardship for Iranians. 

The president has significant influence over domestic policy and foreign affairs. But in Iran’s political system it is the country’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the top religious cleric, who has the final say on all state matters.