Researchers testing the origin of the Covid are closing up a huge investigation in China and have discovered “significant hints” about a Wuhan seafood market’s role behind the Covid-19 outbreak. 

A New York-based zoologist helping the World Health Organization, Peter Daszak in the researches said he believes the primary discoveries will be delivered before February 10 as planned. Talking from the central city of Wuhan, where Covid-19 grew in December 2019, Daszak said that a group of 14 members are working with specialists in China and checked the key problem areas and examination focuses to reveal “some genuine hints about what occurred.”

Researchers need to know how the SARS-CoV-2 infection – whose nearest known relative came from bats 1,000 miles away – spread dangerously in Wuhan before causing the most noticeably awful disease in over a century. Daszak said the examination proclaims a turning moment in the relief of this pandemic.

“It’s the start of ideally a truly profound comprehension of what occurred so we can stop the following one,” he said over Zoom late Friday. “That is what the issue here is – attempting to comprehend why these things arise so we don’t ceaselessly have worldwide economic crunches and horrendous mortality while we hang tight and waits for vaccines. It’s simply not a legitimate future.”

As per sources, Covid-19 has caused more than 105.7 million infections and 2.3 million deaths. The WHO was asked in May to help “recognize the source of the infection and the course of the prologue to the human populace, including the conceivable part of transitional hosts.” Hence, the research is still going on to find out the root cause and stop the actual reason for the pandemic to grow.