San Francisco: An American teenager who is of Indian origin jumped into the sea from the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, which is famous around the world. He died soon after jumping from the bridge. The US Coast Guard personnel stationed on the bridge fished out the boy’s body from the sea after two hours of effort. The relatives of the child have confirmed the incident. 

There is a possibility of suicide by the child, although it is not yet known what caused him to take this step. The Coast Guard said that the boy’s bicycle, phone, and bag were found near the bridge. He jumped from the bridge at around 5 pm local time.

According to Indian community leader Ajay Jain Bhutoria, this is the fourth incident of suicide by Indian-origin people settled in America. So far 2000 people have committed suicide by jumping from the bridge. According to America’s NGO Bridge Rail Foundation, 25 people committed suicide here last year. Since the opening of the bridge in 1937, there have been cases of suicide by about 2,000 people. This NGO is working to prevent suicides on the world-famous Golden Gate Bridge of San Francisco. 

The San Francisco government is also working to build a 1.7-mile-long and 20-foot-wide iron net around the bridge. This work was to be completed by January this year, but the project is still incomplete. Work on the project started in 2018. Due to the delay, its cost is increased more than double.

Apparently, the Golden Gate Bridge connects the two ends of San Francisco Bay and the city of San Francisco in America. When this suspension bridge was completed in 1937, it was the longest suspension bridge in the world. It is a center of tourist attraction as well. But, sadly it is also becoming a popular suicide spot for depressed people living nearby.