Ramallah, Palestine: India has once again sent monetary aid for Palestinian refugees through the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) on Monday. The statement by the country’s representative office in Ramallah says that this big support from India will help in improving the core affected areas of the Palestinian refugees. This includes healthcare, education, social services, etc. 

The statement by the Ramallah’s representative office of India says, “The Government of India presented USD 2.5 million (second tranche of a total contribution of USD 5 million for the Financial Year 2022-2023) to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), in support of the Agency’s core programmes and services, including education, healthcare, relief and social services.” 

It further stated, “The financial contribution was presented to Ms Xuran Wu, Associate Donor Relations and Projects Officer, Department of External Relations, UNRWA at the Representative Office of India in Ramallah, Palestine.”

Notably, the economic conditions of Palestine have deteriorated massively post-pandemic and the Beirut blast in 2020. There is high-level poverty and unemployment in the country and the refugees are also suffering a lot. In an earlier statement, the UNRWA informed that in Lebanon the Palestinian refugees’ condition was so critical that they reached a point of “no return” in terms of socio-economical conditions. 

The overcrowded refugee camps have made it worse! The health conditions of Palestinian refugees are also declining. While the continuous efforts of the UNRWA are improving things, the monetary aid by the Indian government is surely a welcoming move.