Sindh: A Hindu temple was attacked with rocket launchers in the Kashmore area of Pakistan’s Sindh province on Sunday, July 16, 2023. The attack came just two days after another Hindu temple was demolished by bulldozers in Karachi.

The temple in Kashmore was attacked in the early hours of the morning. The assailants fired indiscriminately at the temple, causing significant damage to the structure. No one was injured in the attack.

The police believe that the attackers were a gang of dacoits, or bandits. However, they have not yet been able to identify the suspects or make any arrests.

The attack on the temple has been condemned by religious leaders and human rights activists. They have called on the government to take action to protect the rights of religious minorities in Pakistan.

This is the latest in a series of attacks on Hindu temples in Pakistan. In recent years, there have been a number of incidents of vandalism and destruction of Hindu temples in the country.

These attacks have been carried out by a variety of groups, including religious extremists, political activists, and criminal gangs. They have been motivated by a range of factors, including religious intolerance, political hatred, and economic opportunism.

The attacks on Hindu temples have created a climate of fear and insecurity among the Hindu minority in Pakistan. They have also damaged the country’s reputation as a secular and tolerant state.

The government of Pakistan has a responsibility to protect the rights of all its citizens, regardless of their religion. It must take action to prevent further attacks on Hindu temples and other places of worship. It must also investigate the recent attacks and bring the perpetrators to justice.

The attacks on Hindu temples are a reminder of the challenges facing religious minorities in Pakistan. The government must do more to protect the rights of these minorities and ensure that they can live in peace and security.