Washington: Presiding a three hour long virtual meeting, Prez Biden and President Xi Jinping, made no breakthroughs but enagaged in a slew of sensitive issues that have strained ties — including Taiwan, trade and human rights.

The White house raised concerns about China’s suppression of minorities in Xinjiang province, about unfair trade and economic practices and its recent aggression against Taiwan. China sees Taiwan as a breakaway province to be reunified with the mainland one day, sources claimed. In response to Taiwan’s provincial issues, Xi Jinping offered assurances that China, which has pledged to unify Taiwan with China by force if necessary, would do its “utmost” to achieve peaceful “reunification”.The discussion on Taiwan perhaps the most fraught issue between the two countries was “extended,” and Biden “clearly reaffirmed” the one-China policy acknowledging Beijing’s position that it is the sole legal government of China and related policy precepts.

The global leaders also discussed the existential nature of the climate crisis and the important roles played by their administrations to curtail the crisis. They also spoke on strategies to continue this engagement in the future. “As I said before, it seems to be our responsibility as leaders of China and the United States to ensure that the competition between our countries does not veer into conflict, whether intended or unintended,” Biden told Xi in brief remarks in front of reporters at the White House before the summit began. “Just simple, straightforward competition. It seems to me we need to establish a common-sense guardrail, to be clear and honest where we disagree and work together where our interests intersect, especially on vital global issues like climate change.”The US recognises and has formal ties with China. But it has also pledged to help Taiwan defend itself in the event of an attack.

Overall, the Biden administration sought to frame the relationship as one of “steady state” competition in which the lines of communication remain open, while the United States works with allies and partners.