Against a backdrop of escalating violence and a declared state of emergency in Haiti, the U.S. military has executed a mission to evacuate non-essential embassy personnel from the nation. This action comes in response to the surge in gang-related violence, posing a severe threat to the government and triggering widespread displacements.

Recent events unfolded as armed gangs orchestrated jailbreaks from Haiti’s two largest prisons earlier this month, coupled with demands for the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry. Fleeing the country, Henry seeks international intervention, particularly a United Nations-backed security force.

The U.S. Southern Command clarified that the evacuation aligns with standard embassy security protocols globally. In a statement, they emphasized, “This airlift of personnel into and out of the embassy is consistent with our standard practice for embassy security augmentation worldwide, and no Haitians were on board the military aircraft.” The European Union’s delegation in Haiti has also temporarily reduced its presence due to security concerns, with reports indicating staff evacuations from Germany and EU embassies.

The nationwide unrest has internally displaced 362,000 Haitians, transforming the Caribbean island into an environment of fear and trauma. Reports from international agencies indicate bodies lying in the streets, as armed groups besiege the capital.

While the Haitian police have successfully repelled gang attacks on critical infrastructure, including the presidential palace, well-armed gangs persist in targeting key facilities. Recent prison attacks allowed thousands of inmates to escape, contributing to the heightened insecurity.

Amid the critical situation, Haiti remains in a state of emergency with a nighttime curfew. Looting has been reported at the main port, critical for food imports, raising concerns about potential shortages. The airport closure further compounds the humanitarian crisis, leaving the population vulnerable. The U.S., while addressing the security challenges, continues to support diplomatic efforts to stabilize the country and facilitate a peaceful transition. This underscores the urgency of addressing political instability to prevent further regional humanitarian crises.

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