WORLD: The science of coronavirus has baffled the world. The economic crisis in the pandemic has threatened the market. The recession is going to hit the economy to a greater extent. The graph has been consistently increasing with the number of coronavirus cases increasing impatiently day by day.

More than 6.7 million cases of Covid-19 have been reported worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. Out of which 27,63,229 cases are recovered and 3,95,409 are death reports. There are 35,03,215 cases are active cases.

The US continues to remain the worst hit country reporting maximum caseload, deaths as well as active cases.  The country has over 18,97,838 cases of coronavirus with 1,08,059 deaths. There are 6,75,974 cases of recovery.

Important highlights of the Global Update:

  • USA  – 18,97,838 confirmed cases and 1,09,059 deaths
  • BRAZIL – 6,14,941 confirmed cases and 34,109 deaths
  • RUSSIA – 4,58,102 confirmed cases and 5,037 deaths
  • UK – 2,84,735 confirmed cases and 40,344 deaths
  • SPAIN – 2,40,978 confirmed cases and 29,114 deaths
  • INDIA 2,36,664 confirmed cases and 6,657 deaths
  • ITALY – 2,34,531 confirmed cases and 33,800 deaths

Brazil registered 30,830 new coronavirus cases in the past day, bringing the nationwide total to 614,941 cases. The country is edging closer to overtaking the United Kingdom as the country with the second-most coronavirus deaths in the world with overall death toll above 34,000.

Russia has officially reported 458,102 cases of coronavirus, with 1,537 deaths and 21,327 recoveries. Moscow accounts for 2,85,973 cases. 

The number of people who tested positive for the virus stands at at least 240,978 with 13,615 people currently hospitalized. At least 40,076 people have died from coronavirus in the UK, making the highest confirmed death toll in Europe and the second-highest death toll in the world, behind the United States.

India overtook Italy to become the sixth nation to record the most number of COVID-19 cases in the world. The total number of coronavirus patients in India increased to 236,657. The death toll of the country has rose to 6657.

The total number of cases in Italy, including deaths and recoveries, is now 214,457. Italy stands at 4th position in highest number of death toll with 33,800 fatalities till date.

Although, the infection rate has slowed in most countries hit hard early on in the pandemic, including China, the US, UK, Italy, Spain and France. But global numbers show it’s far from over. 

Meanwhile, The World Health Organization reversed course on face masks yesterday. WHO now encouraging people to wear them to prevent the coronavirus from spreading.

The general public should use fabric masks in high-spread areas, the WHO said, or whenever social distancing is impossible. The global health agency also said that all health workers, not just those caring for Covid-19 patients, should wear masks in clinical areas.