New Delhi: The Group of Seven (G7) agreed on Friday to speed up cooperation on the vaccine and therapeutic trials to combat COVID-19 and future pandemic, the UK government has announced after hosting a two-day meeting of the bloc’s health ministers at the University of Oxford.

An official statement of the G7 stated,” a Therapeutics and Vaccines Clinical Trials Charter will soon be discharged to help deliver “high-quality, reliable and comparable evidence from international clinical trials” and avoid unnecessary duplication of efforts.

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The UK health minister quoted that the agreement encompassed a series of steps to protect us by improving clinical trials, quicker and wider access to safe vaccines, accurate documentation using health supervision tools, and enhanced collaboration between countries. 

The G7, made up of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, also agreed to work together on the mutual recognition of testing and vaccination certificates and all future pandemic. 

The meeting, as a preparatory event for the group’s summit to be held in Cornwall next week, failed to accomplish expectations from the seven richest countries who would commit to donating more COVID-19 vaccine shots to developing countries.

 Despite highlighting the World Health Organization’s central role in responding to health emergencies, the G7 announced that vaccine shots would only be shared once their domestic situations are solved. 

As per the figures documented by non-governmental organizations, at least 90 percent of people in 67 developing countries stand little chance of getting vaccinated against the disease in 2021 because rich nations have bought more shots than they need.

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