The Group of Twenty (G20) summit on Afghanistan is set to take place on Tuesday, according to Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin.”Around September 28, as far as I recall,” Vershinin said. He did not, however, answer to a query regarding who would be Russia’s representative to the conference.

Mario Draghi, the Italian Prime Minister who is now presiding over the G20, announced earlier that the Afghanistan meeting would be held after the UN General Assembly’s high-level week.

Since the Taliban took control of the war-torn country, Afghanistan has been in chaos. Furthermore, in response to the Taliban’s new caretaker cabinet, Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio warned on Sunday that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan would be impossible for them to acknowledge.

At least 17 acting Taliban ministers are “terrorists,” according to reports, and it is “nearly impossible” for them to recognise their government.

 Italy, which now holds the G20 presidency, has been working to call a special meeting of the world’s main economies to address the country’s issue following the Taliban’s takeover. Rome is confident that Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and other countries, including Afghanistan’s neighbours, must be brought on board in order for it to happen.