California: Former US President Bill Clinton was admitted to the hospital on Thursday evening with a non-Covid-related infection, according to a spokesperson. On Tuesday evening, Clinton, 75, was admitted to a hospital in Irvine, California. He didn’t say much other than the infection wasn’t caused by Covid. Doctors stated, “He is on the mend, in good spirits, and is immensely grateful to the doctors, nurses, and staff who have provided him with outstanding care.”

 Clinton was admitted “ for close monitoring and administered IV antibiotics and fluids “according to a statement from his doctors. “His white blood cell count is moving down after two days of treatment, and he is responding nicely to medications,” the statement continued

The doctors said they are in constant contact with Clinton’s medical team in New York, which includes his cardiologist. Clinton’s bloodstream has been damaged by the spread of a urinary tract infection, according to reports. During a visit to California on Tuesday, Clinton complained of weariness and went to the hospital for testing to rule out Covid-19 and cardiac problems.

After doctors discovered evidence of significant heart disease, he underwent a quadruple bypass operation in 2004 at the age of 58. Clinton had stent surgery in 2010 after experiencing heart symptoms. In the same year, he stated that being vegan was not a difficult decision for him.