Finland reigns supreme as the happiest country on Earth for the seventh year running, according to the World Happiness Report released on the International Day of Happiness. This annual report, produced by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network for the United Nations, ranks countries based on factors like social support, income equality, healthy life expectancy, freedom, trust, and generosity.

So what makes Finland such a happy place? The report highlights the strong social safety net that provides Finnish citizens with security and peace of mind. This social safety net includes universal healthcare, quality education, and unemployment benefits. Além disso (in addition), Finns enjoy a healthy work-life balance, with ample vacation time and policies that encourage workers to spend time outdoors and with loved ones.

While Finland holds the top spot, other Nordic countries like Denmark, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden are all featured in the top 10 happiest countries [2]. This suggests that there may be something special about the Nordic model, which emphasizes social welfare and equality, that contributes to overall happiness.

The US and UK have both seen happiness decline according to the report, with the US falling out of the top 20 for the first time [2]. This year’s World Happiness Report serves as a reminder that investing in social supports, health, and work-life balance can significantly impact a nation’s happiness.

India’s sunshine might not translate to happiness according to the World Happiness Report. Ranking 126th out of 136 countries in 2023, India falls behind many neighbors. While the economy booms, factors like low income per capita, social support, and health outcomes contribute to this ranking. There’s hope, though, as India has shown slight improvement in recent years.