Israel: Political unrest in Israel in the last five years continues to proliferate as the Israeli Parliament voted to dissolve itself one more time on Thursday. From July 1, Foreign Minister Yair Lapid will officially take over as caretaker Prime Minister. The same came as a result of the terms of a coalition agreement made between outgoing PM Naftali Bennett and Foreign Mister last year.

Bennett served for one of the shortest terms in Israeli history. New Elections will take place on November 1 and the recent polling shows that former PM Netanyahu’s party is on track to the maximum seats in the polls. Netanyahu believed that his party is the only alternative to provide a strong, stable and responsible Government to the country.

The dissolved Parliament came as a surprise when Bennett and Lapid announced last week that they want to dissolve their own party. Bennette further stated that he would not stand for re-elections as he is stepping back from politics. He was sworn into office last year in June which ended Netanyahu’s rule of more than 12 months in the country.

Meanwhile, Bennett in a statement stated that his decision of dissolving his Government and stepping back is not for his personal reasons but for the country and its people.