Multiple videos depicting the terror at Australia’s Westfield Shopping Centre in Bondi Junction emerged on social media following a stabbing attack on Saturday. The criminal holding a massive knife attacked the passengers, which ended in 5 deaths and an unknown number of injuries. Solely one attacker was able to commit a stabbing spree through the mall area, which resulted in an assault on nine people, and was eventually tackled down by the sound of a gunshot from a policeman. The assailant’s identity is still unclear, but the official statement confirms his act as an isolated one with no further duties remaining.

A video comes forth where a man stands in between to halt the attacker from moving down the escalator probably. At the same time, a lady who is a police officer cannot be left out because she brought down the attacker – and she becomes a hero on all social platforms.

Cueing various eyewitnesses, accounts are provided of dangerous scenes with the invasion of homeless people, including kids, having scrambled to flee as the attacker was approaching. The perpetrator, whose sole outfit was a t-shirt and shorts, displayed the deadly knife instead of hiding it up or behind his back throughout the chase. He killed five people in the end.

Even though the news spread about dead people because of stabbings, the administration carried out the evacuation of hundreds from the mall rapidly. Leaving one offender was shot, whereas the search for other suspects is still ongoing. A fever camera caught the ambulances and police vehicles storming the area, and armed officers were scanning the rooftop parking zone.

Roi Huberman, the eyewitness who is a sound engineer, compared the events at the moment to looking for shelter in the neighbouring shop while hearing gunshots and feeling confused before being led to safety by the shopkeeper. “Finally, very competent ladies who worked there pulled us to the back where the entrance can be locked. They then locked the store, and later on, we were allowed to go behind them, and we are out,” Huberman said.

The terrible incident has disillusioned society and led people to show appreciation to law enforcement officers while also standing with the affected.

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