Brussels: The ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine has provoked other powerful nations to an extent that they are keen on taking control of the situation. Though a solution to the war has not been given out yet, the European Parliament on Wednesday, declared Russia a ‘state sponsor of terrorism’ by passing a resolution. 

The European Parliament argued that Moscow’s military strikes violated international law on civilian targets such as energy infrastructure, hospitals, schools, and shelters. It termed the attacks on Ukraine as a “cruel and inhuman” act. 

The Members of the European Parliament said, “The deliberate attacks and atrocities carried out by the Russian Federation against the civilian population of Ukraine, the destruction of civilian infrastructure, and other serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law amount to acts of terror against the Ukrainian population and constitute war crimes.”

“In the light of the above, (the European Parliament) recognizes Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism and as a state which uses means of terrorism. These brutal and inhumane acts are causing death, suffering, destruction, and displacement”

During the monthly plenary session in Strasbourg on Wednesday afternoon, 494 votes were cast in favor of the motion. While 58 members voted against this proposal. The resolution that has been passed by the European Parliament states that Russia is a threat to society. “Russia poses a risk to the safety and security of the whole European continent and the rules-based international order”, it says. However, no proper solution to control the misery of the war lad countries has come to the fore yet.