Brussels: The European Council Summit 2023 scheduled to be held on 29-30 June in Brussels began as World leaders discuss the ongoing war in Ukraine, the state of the European economy, and the bloc’s defense strategies.

The war in Ukraine is likely to be the top item on the agenda. EU leaders will discuss how to provide further support to Ukraine, both militarily and financially. They will also discuss how to hold Russia accountable for its actions.

The state of the European economy is also likely to be a major topic of discussion. The war in Ukraine has had a significant impact on the global economy, and the EU is no exception. EU leaders will discuss how to mitigate the impact of the war on the bloc’s economy.

Defence strategies will also be on the agenda. The war in Ukraine has highlighted the need for the EU to improve its own defence capabilities. EU leaders will discuss how to strengthen the bloc’s military capabilities and how to better coordinate defence policies.

In addition to these three main topics, EU leaders are also likely to discuss other issues, such as the energy crisis, the food crisis, and the migration crisis.

The European Council Summit 2023 is a critical meeting for the EU. The decisions made at the summit will have a major impact on the bloc’s future. The decisions made at the summit will have a major impact on the bloc’s future. It will be interesting to see how the leaders of the EU respond to the challenges facing the bloc and how they shape the future of Europe in terms of ongoing energy crisis, the food crisis, and the migration crisis.