World-renowned media agency, BBC erred in audio subtitles while airing its coverage of Queen Elizabeth II’s death.

The error occurred on Friday, during the coverage of the new King Charles III and his wife Camilla as they landed in London from Scotland the subtitles flashed the word ‘vagina’ instead of Regina. The statement was meant to explain that Camilla wife of now king Charles will not be Queen Regina or a reigning queen, but a Queen Consort as the partner of the new monarch.

“BBC subtitles spectacularly mishearing the words “Queen Regina” during a conversation about Camilla just now,” one eagle-eyed viewer commented on Twitter soon after spotting the awkward moment on television.

News channels in the UK suspended their usual programming on the day the longest reigning British monarch passed away peacefully. As for the funeral formalities of the Queen, her coffin will depart her Balmoral estate for the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh – the official residence of the British monarch in Scotland. It will then be taken in procession to St. Giles’ Cathedral in the city, where the Queen will lie at rest, allowing the public to view her coffin. The coffin will then move to London, ready for lying in state for around four days before her funeral.