In an interview, the Academy Award-winning actor Robert De Niro, who won his statuette over three decades ago, has levelled at the former US President Donald Trump, who he believes is “genuinely sick” and hence, should not in any way be allowed to return to power. De Niro compared Trump to Hitler, highlighting the clear contrast he saw between the potential chaos of a second term under Trump’s leadership with the dread of the experience of a prior twenty-year regime of Nazi Germany.

De Niro’s harsh response didn’t end there: throughout the speech, the actor not only criticized Trump but also asked his voters to re-evaluate their identity and warned them of what awaits the country if the president remains in power. He recalls the infamous despots of the past to whom he compares the caricature of Trump as a clownish character with power ambitions.

Asked whether playing the role of Trump in a film might be a worthy endeavour, the actor De Niro answered sharply that there are no character traits of the POTUS from which he could ever try to extract something good. He validated his clear backing for the re-election of President Joe Biden, taking for granted that the latter’s reelection would be the surest means of negating what the former would have done had he been re-elected.

Robert De Niro offers a view on President Trump being like Hitler, and Elon Musk, Tesla CEO, takes a moment to attack the actor’s statement. “Musk had drawn attention to the divergence in the approaches of Trump and Hitler while showcasing efforts of peace achievement in the Middle East area through the attempts like Abraham Accords,” said Musk.

However, Musk’s retort pinpointed the roughness of the political debates, which isn’t easy to avoid, especially in situations where celebrities’ opinions are expressed. When celebrities like Di Niro and Musk put their ideology into the discussion, these statements are enveloped through social media channels, which in return have tones of varying reactions from growing fans and haters.

The confrontation between the roles of De Niro and Musk corresponds to the desolation within American politics, which emancipated the partisanship of the polities badly. While De Niro still insists on his statement to denounce Trump, Musk provides something like the opposite point, which shows the gap between his position and De Niro’s assertions. Besides, Trump’s achievements are seemingly highlighted by Musk’s training in perception.