Washington: Elon Musk, the 49-year-old entrepreneur has enlisted himself as one of the fastest-growing businessmen among the world’s top 500 richest people, by adding more than $100 billion to his net worth since January 2020. The sudden stock-rise of Tesla accounted for his highest single-day gain. On Monday, the stock rose nearly 6.58 percent, lifting the value of his net worth to a record close of $521.85.

His year started with the 35th rank on the Bloomberg Billionaire Index. According to the Bloomberg report, about three-quarters of Musk’s net worth consists of Tesla’s share, which values more than 4 times as much as his stake in SpaceX (Space Exploration Technologies Corp.). 

Twitterati went crazy about this and welcome this news with hilarious memes on social media on Tuesday. 

Check some of them here:

Sorry Bill Gates, We really feel for you…!!


The way we see it with those Millions of deals, Mukesh Ambani soon will give everyone run for their “position”.

Inner Me “Crying oh so silently”


This is the second time in the last eight years, for the Microsoft Corp. co-founder Bill Gates to rank below number two. Contextually, Gates had been the richest person in the world for several years, until he was bumped by Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon.com.Inc. Bezos holds the top position in the index of the world’s wealthiest persons since 2017, with a net worth of $182 billion, which increased by $67 billion this year.