A powerful earthquake struck Morocco late Friday night, killing at least 296 people and injuring more than 750 others. The quake, which had a magnitude of 6.6, was centered near the town of Imzouren, in the Rif Mountains of northern Morocco.

The earthquake was felt in several countries in the region, including Algeria, Spain, and Portugal. It caused widespread damage in Imzouren, where many buildings collapsed. Rescue workers are still working to free people trapped in the rubble.

The Moroccan government has declared a state of emergency in the affected area. Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch visited Imzouren on Saturday and promised that the government would do everything possible to help the victims.

The earthquake is the deadliest to hit Morocco in decades. It comes just two months after another earthquake in the country killed at least 56 people.

The Rif Mountains are a seismically active region. In 2004, an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.3 struck the region, killing more than 600 people.

The latest earthquake is a reminder of the risks posed by natural disasters in Morocco. The country is also prone to floods, droughts, and wildfires.

The Moroccan government has taken steps to mitigate the risks of natural disasters, but more needs to be done. The government needs to invest in disaster preparedness and risk reduction measures. It also needs to improve early warning systems so that people can be evacuated to safety in the event of an earthquake or other natural disaster.