World: Leaders from different countries across the world have been lambasting the violence that took place at the United States Capitol on Wednesday, mentioning it as a ‘sharp contrast’ to the democratic values that the United Nations have been maintaining for decades.

Notably, a pro-Trump mob attacked the Capitol on Wednesday, when a ceremonial Congress session was in progress to certify the President-elect Joe Biden as the new president of the nation. The senators, during the rampage, hid in a secure place, while the invaders kept scaling the walls and breaking the windows of the Capitol building. Later, after hours, the session restarted, when the clash came to an end.

Among several country heads, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson tweeted – “Disgraceful scenes in US Congress. The United States stands for democracy around the world and it is now viral that there should be a peaceful and orderly transfer of power”.

British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, on the shameful event, tweeted – “The US rightly takes great pride in its democracy, and there can be no justification for these violent attempts to frustrate the lawful and proper transition of power”.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also took to his Twitter handle to express the disgrace of the Canadians about the unlawful incident taken place in their “closest ally and neighbor”, calling it an “attack on democracy”.

Indian Prime Minister Modi also slammed the pro-Trump mob through a post on his Twitter handle, which read – “Distressed to see news about rioting and violence in Washington DC. Orderly and peaceful transfer of power must continue. The democratic process cannot be allowed to be subverted through unlawful protests”.