Washington: The President of the United States of America (USA), Donald Trump has stated that the USA has developed 2 million vaccines that would hopefully confirm some positive coronavirus news. These vaccines are put on clinical trial and would be ready to dispatch once all the scientists confirm the successful trials of the vaccine.

President Trump has also declared that the statistics and logistics of the deployment have been measured and insured. The doses require widespread human testing. However, the President remarks on the tremendous progress in the rate of discovery. To such a remark, the top epidemiologist and the White House health advisor, Dr Anthony Fauci reacted that he wasn’t so sure about the new discovery. He didn’t show any reaction to Trump’s comment after his ‘ready to go’ vaccines being aired. 

The three companies namely; Moderna, Novavax and Pfizer are betting at the successful trial of the vaccines. Moderna is in the third phase with a lead in the competition. The National Institutes of Health has been checking the progress of the Moderna. 

All the researchers and the institutes have been trying to develop the vaccines in order to prevent the spread of the infection. The rapid increase of coronavirus has impacted many lives on the planet. The world has been dealing with the pandemic since the beginning of the month. The USA has hopefully decided to proceed with the successful discovery of the vaccine by the first half of 2021. 

The WHO’s most recent update on global vaccine development projects, showed there are currently at least 133 vaccines being tested around the world.

The number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the US currently stands at 1.89 million and 109,143 people have been killed so far, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Meanwhile, Governments around the world on Thursday pledged $8.8 billion for global vaccines alliance Gavi to help immunisation programmes disrupted by coronavirus, prompting calls for global cooperation to ensure a potential Covid-19 vaccine is available to all.