The former president, Donald Trump, received the highest recognition for the event, which was ‘Patriot of the Year,’ which happened on Thursday, December 5, in Long Island. This event was under the auspices of a leading news agency and held in the Tilles Center for Performing Arts in Brookville, New York, with about 2000 audience present. The presented award, in the style of the stars and stripes of the US flag, was conferred to Trump after the band performed Lee Greenwood’s God Bless the USA.
During the acceptance speech, Donald Trump provided information about his presidency in the 2016 campaign and the accomplishments of his presidency. He kept insisting on how big his electoral victory was, including what he described as defeating the second lady Kamala Harris. “Such a splendid job we did in the election,” Trump noted, adding that during the campaign, he worked online day and night for 72 days before the election day. “Really, it was a tremendous day, a tremendous night, a tremendous period of time,” Trump also said after being satisfied with the result of the election.
Regarding the second campaign, Trump also mentioned its initial victories and underlined that the country has already observed optimistic changes. He said: “I believe you have witnessed more within the last two weeks than within the past four years, and we have not attended yet,” and he stressed that he plans to go on with the work that is meant to reanimate the country. “We are going to make America great again,” Trump said in a bid to affirm the idea of his presidency.
It also honored all other recipients of the ‘Patriot of the Year’ award, and Sean Hannity of a news agency acted as master of ceremonies. Hannity introduced the honorees as an “odd bunch of people” who need to be applauded for all they have done for America.
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