Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen met Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi today and the two sides reviewed the Green Strategic Partnership. Together, they discussed collaborations on climate change mitigation ahead of Glasgow (COP 26). A joint statement, spelling out how the two countries will collaborate on climate change, was discussed at the end of the meeting.

India and Denmark agree to be at the forefront of the global fight against climate change. Both countries have set very ambitious national targets on climate and energy. Together, the two countries will show the world that delivering on ambitious climate and sustainable energy goals is possible,” the joint statement had said. The partnership has four tracks—climate, energy, water, and green financing. One of the key areas will be climate finance.

“All eyes are on India. If India wants to consolidate its role in climate change mitigation, it will enhance it’s NDC (Nationally Determined Contributions). India is already in a good place with its expansion in renewable energy. It has sought more financing from the developed world which I support. We need strong NDCs from big emitters to keep the 1.5 degrees target alive. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has already made it clear that all countries will need to transition to net zero at some point,” Jorgensen had said following his meeting with Yadav.
