Rio-De-Jaeiro: A cyclone has left at least 11 people dead and 20 missing in southern Brazil. The cyclone, which made landfall on Tuesday, brought heavy rain, strong winds, and flooding to the region.

The worst-hit areas are the states of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. In Santa Catarina, the city of Florianópolis has been particularly hard hit. The city has been without power since Tuesday, and many roads have been made impassable by flooding.

In Rio Grande do Sul, the city of Porto Alegre has also been badly affected. The city has been evacuated, and many people have been forced to take shelter in temporary camps.

The Brazilian government has declared a state of emergency in the affected areas. The government is working to provide relief to the victims of the cyclone. This includes providing food, water, and shelter to those who have been affected.

The cyclone is a reminder of the dangers of natural disasters. It is important to be prepared for such events. This includes having a plan in place in case of a natural disaster, and having a disaster kit that includes food, water, and other supplies.

The people of southern Brazil are facing a difficult time. They have lost loved ones, their homes, and their livelihoods. The Brazilian government is working to help them, but it will take time for them to recover.

If you would like to help the victims of the cyclone, you can donate to the Red Cross or another humanitarian organization. You can also volunteer your time to help with relief efforts.