Zhengzhou, China: Once again there has been a sharp increase in corona cases in China. Daily Covid cases reached a record high of 31,454 on Wednesday. This is the highest level since the beginning of the pandemic. Meanwhile, a lockdown has been imposed in Zhengzhou following clashes between workers and security personnel at the Apple plant.

The figures of China’s National Health Bureau are shocking. With so many cases reported in a single day, the Chinese government, apart from imposing lockdown, and travel restrictions, is also intensifying testing and vaccination to prevent the further spread of the corona virus. 

Strict restrictions have been imposed in the capital Beijing under the Corona lockdown. Parks, office buildings, and shopping malls have been closed. Beijing’s most populous Chaoyang district has been put under a near-complete lockdown. Health officials urged some 3.5 million residents of Chaoyang district, which has become the worst-affected region in the capital Beijing, to stay away from social gatherings.

In some areas of China, the pandemic is spreading rapidly and the difficulty of prevention and control is increasing. Some provinces are facing the most serious and complex situation in three years. Since November 1, a total of more than 2,80,000 infected people have been reported across the country. Last week, on an average, 22,200 cases were found daily. 

The situation is getting worse due to the lockdown. In the country around 49 cities currently have some level of lockdown or some form of district-based control measures in place, according to the Chinese government data. Almost 412 million people are currently affected by these lockdown measures. With such an outbreak, the global spread of the virus is feared again!