Singapore: Singapore’s Covid-19 restrictions will be extended for another month. On Wednesday, the city-state reported 18 new deaths from the disease, the largest number so far in the pandemic. To help manage case numbers, which increased by over 3,800 on Wednesday, current measures will be extended until November 21.

Singapore was compelled to postpone the removal of restrictions in late September because of an increase in cases caused by the highly contagious Delta strain.

According to the Ministry of Health, the extended limits will be reviewed at the two-week mark and reinstated based on the Covid-19 community situation. In the preceding 28 days, 98.7% of locally infected cases were asymptomatic or had moderate symptoms, with only 0.1 percent requiring hospitalization (ICU).

According to the government, 630 of the 3,862 new coronavirus cases discovered on Wednesday were linked to migrant worker dormitories. The remaining instances were nearly confined to the neighborhood. The total number of people who have died in Singapore as a result of the pandemic has now reached 264, according to the ministry.

The government also warned that unvaccinated persons over the age of 60 continue to be infected at a significant rate. “Over the past 5 days, the number of infections amongst this group averaged 127 per day”, the ministry said, adding senior citizens over 60 accounted for two-thirds of the total patients in ICU.