INDIA: With over 275 new deaths reported countrywide, India registered 4981 death surpassed China who recorded 4634 fatalities all over. India emerged as one of the most affected country worldwide due to coronavirus.

On May 15, India’s burgeoning coronavirus cases had overtook China’s tally, making it the latest nation with the dubious distinction of having more infections than the country where the pandemic first appeared.

The surge underscores the limited impact of the countrywide lockdown imposed on March 25 to curb the highly infectious pathogen. Nearly two months into the world’s most expansive stay-at-home orders, India has not seen its virus curve flattening like Italy or Spain where new cases had begun trending downward sooner.

China too managed to contain its outbreak by locking down Hubei, the province where the pathogen first emerged.

India’s rate of daily new infections is still rising despite confining virtually all its 1.3 billion citizens to their homes as many live in highly congested a neighborhood which makes social distancing impossible.Even among India’s middle-class families, four or more often share a one-bedroom apartment in cities. In Mumbai’s slums, as many as seven people live in one room while the whole neighborhood may be sharing a toilet complex

As Lockdown has costs in economic crunch, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has begun easing containment measures in some parts of the country which risks spurring fresh cases as more people interact and move about.

The first death was reported on march 12th, since then India has witnessed an upwards graph in fatality rate. The world’s second-most populous nation is now emerging as a new hotspot with record jumps in new cases in recent days.

Meanwhile, The pandemic has killed 365,361 people worldwide, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University, with the United States recording the most deaths at more than 100,000.More than 5.98 million cases of the novel coronavirus have been confirmed around the world, while more than 2.8 million have recovered.