New Zealand: On Monday, February 15th, the first batch of the covid-19 vaccine Pfizer reached New Zealand via Singapore from Belgium on a Singapore Airlines flight. The prime minister of New Zealand confirmed the same in a press conference saying, “I can now add and confirm that the first batch of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine arrived in New Zealand this morning. Approximately 60,000 doses or 30,000 courses landed in Auckland”.

The doses that New Zealand received would be enough for the frontline forces for a few weeks, the PM further said in the press conference. “That’s more than enough doses to vaccinate our frontline workforce over the coming weeks,” she told the media. New Zealand has been one of the most suffered nations in the world and currently facing a surge in covid infection cases that also includes the new UK variant.

The most populated area of the country Auckland has thus been put to a level 3 lockdown for 3 days while the rest of the country has been put to a level 2 lockdown for 3 days. The rollout of the vaccine will start from Saturday and thereby the restriction of movement of the common people will be reviewed by the government on a 24-hour basis.