Trending: As there’s a saying ‘When life gives you lemon, make lemonade’, well that’s exactly what people across the world is doing right now. Amid the chaos and horror of the spread of novel coronavirus all over the globe, people were seen adding creativity to the way they lead the life in this pandemic era.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, face masks have became a part of most people’s wardrobes and it is the utmost necessity accessory that people cannot forget to wear.
If the trend to believe, People were seen wearing unusual masks adding their utmost creativity to fight the battle against COVID19 Epidemic.
A man from Pune has grabbed headlines for his extraordinary mask made of pure gold, Worth Rs 2.89 lakh, but isn’t even sure if it is effective against COVID-19. However, the netizens called him a “COVIDIOT”.

Reportedly, Shankar Kurade said that the mask is made of gold but is pretty thin and has very minute holes in it to help him breathe.
Here are some of the most unique masks presentation. Have a look: (Image courtesy : Various sources)

A Palestinian mother used left over cabbage to create face masks for her children.

A woman uses a face masks as a preventive measure against the spread of the new coronavirus, COVID-19, in Bogota

A photo of a student wearing a gas mask along with the gown and cap for his graduation ceremony for Skyline High School at Motor Vu Drive-In in Idaho Falls, Idaho, during the coronavirus pandemic has gone viral on internet.

People wearing masks of pigs were seen at a shopping district in Tokyo, Japan.

A resident using an improvised face shield made from a plastic water tank to protect him from the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic walks in his neighbourhood in Manila.

Brazilian fashion photographer Marcio Rodrigues was witnessed with a mask made with recyclable bottles, cans and boxes in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

Yang Guangyu, 54, a local barber working in his shop at a blocked residential area, wears his handmade mask assembled from a water bottle, mask and a plastic pipe, as he works after the lockdown was lifted in Wuhan.

In Italy, engineer Mario Milanesio 3D-printed respiratory valve fittings onto his Decathlon snorkeling mask.
Globally, More than 1.1 Crore people have been infected from the coronavirus so far. Atleast 5,24,000 peple have died due to the deadly disease.