Aksai Chin: China has been ramping up underground construction in the disputed Aksai Chin region, which is located 70 kilometers from the Line of Control (LAC) with India. Satellite images have revealed the construction of a large underground complex, which is believed to be a command-and-control center for the Chinese military. The complex is located in a strategic location, and its construction is a major escalation of tensions between China and India.

The underground complex is reportedly being built in a valley near the Spanggur Lake. It is a large, oval-shaped structure, and it is estimated to be about 100 meters long and 50 meters wide. The complex is also believed to have multiple underground levels.

The construction of the underground complex is a significant development, as it suggests that China is preparing for a possible military conflict with India. The complex would provide a safe and secure place for the Chinese military to operate from, and it would also give them a significant advantage in any conflict.

The Indian government has expressed concern about the construction of the underground complex, and it has warned China against any further escalation of tensions. However, China has dismissed these concerns, and it has said that the complex is for defensive purposes only.

The construction of the underground complex is a reminder of the ongoing tensions between China and India over the disputed border region. The two countries have been locked in a standoff in the region since 2020, and there is no sign of a resolution in the near future. The construction of the complex is likely to further strain relations between the two countries, and it could lead to an increase in tensions in the region.

In addition to the underground complex, China has also been building other military infrastructure in Aksai Chin. This includes new roads, bridges, and airstrips. The construction of this infrastructure is also seen as a threat by India, as it gives China a greater military presence in the region.

The ongoing tensions between China and India over Aksai Chin are a major source of instability in the region. The construction of the underground complex is a major escalation of these tensions, and it is a worrying development for the future of peace and security in the region.