Beijing: Following US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan this week, China announced on Friday that it was cancelling multiple defence meetings and postponing crucial climate discussions with the US.

The Chinese foreign ministry cited Pelosi’s “lack of regard for China’s strong opposition and harsh representations” on the Taiwan visit. The US officials’ move led Beijing to announce that it will  “halt the China-US climate change negotiations” and cancel preparations for a conference between military chiefs as well as two security meetings.

Beijing’s response to Pelosi’s visit is placed as an intolerable expansion of relations between Washington and Taiwan. Present pro-independence authorities were to respond with bombastic threats and military drills. The agreement between Washington on repatriating unauthorized immigrants, providing judicial support, countering transnational crime, and drug enforcement were put on hold, the foreign ministry announced Friday.

At the COP26 meeting in Glasgow last year, China and the United States, the two countries with the highest carbon emissions, presented a surprise climate pact. They agreed to cooperate in order to advance climate change action this decade and made a commitment to routinely convene in order to “address the global problem.”

China has sworn to one day invade democratic, self-governing Taiwan and has even threatened to use force if necessary to do so, it is also said, that Pelosi and her family will be sanctioned with unidentified penalties.