United Kingdom: Prime Minister of Britain Boris Johnson stepped down on Thursday as the leader of Conservative Party after 27 ministers of his cabinet resigned in bundles one after the other. This has paved the way for the selection of a new Prime Minister in Britain. In his last address at 10 Downing Street, he outgoing Prime Minister said that it is the will of the party to have a new leader and therefore a new PM for the country.

As per the reports, the leadership election will take place over the summer and the victor will replace Mr. Johnson by the party’s annual conference in early October. The exit of Finance Minister from Johnson’s cabinet on Tuesday sparked the political imbalance n Britain and tagged the Boris Government as the ‘No performance Government’.

Meanwhile, a long chain of Ministers began vacating the cabinet after the resignations of Sunak and Health Secretary Sajid Javid late on Tuesday. Their exit came into light after Boris Johnson apologised for his February appointment of senior Conservative MP Chris Pincher as Deputy Chief Whip.